Thursday, August 30, 2007

Kirsch is a cutey!

Kirsch and Angie his PR (and Cecil's PR too!!)

Ashley and I went up to CCI last Saturday for graduation. It was lots of fun. We got to meet Kirsch and his B/C. Then we got to meet Angie for the first time face to face and see our boy Cecil. At 8 months he is already as heavy as his mom (60lbs)! Angie's vet thinks he will top out at between 80 and 90 when he's done growing. Oof!! :o) It was loads of fun playing with Cecil and seeing how much like his mom he looks and acts. To make the day even more fun, we finally got to meet Gayle, B/C for Della's mom, Keeley. Definitely a fun day and worth the drive.

Cecil sitting patiently during graduation. He looks so much like Della!

Ashley and Cecil catching up on lovin'

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