Well, Della managed to pull a fast one on us. After having her 9th puppy over 2 hours after her 8th and then only after a shot of oxytocin, we were sure she was done. Ashley and I took her out for potty time, washed her in the tub, dried her and installed her in the Della cave with clean bedding and some food. We checked on the pups from time to time until it was time for dinner. After dinner Duncan wanted to pet the pups so we told him to sanitize his hands and count them while he waited for an adult to supervise his visit. So he goes, "1, 2, 3, 4 yellow puppies, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 black puppies". At first we thought he was joking or having trouble counting them as they were all piled together and the light is dimmer under the sheet. When he insisted that there were 6, we went and checked and by darn, there was number 10! Ms. Della had done the whole job quietly by herself while we were having dinner!! :0)